CITIZEN'S ALERT NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: ‘I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things’ Integravision March 12, 2019 0
CITIZEN'S ALERT Liam Neeson clarifies controversial revenge remarks: ‘I’m not a racist’ Integravision February 5, 2019 0
CITIZEN'S ALERT Emantic Bradford Jr.’s Death & Why the Second Amendment Doesn’t Apply to Black Men | The Daily Show Integravision November 29, 2018 0
CITIZEN'S ALERT Andrew Gillum Rescinds Concession in Florida Governor’s Race Integravision November 10, 2018 0
CITIZEN'S ALERT GOP Voter Suppression Ramps Up in Georgia | The Daily Show Integravision October 20, 2018 0
CITIZEN'S ALERT Noise complaints preceeded killer Dallas cop’s actions Integravision September 14, 2018 0
CITIZEN'S ALERT Video shows an off-duty officer moments after she shot an unarmed man Integravision September 12, 2018 0