WATCH: The Trump Impeachment Hearings – Day 5 — Hill, Holmes to testify Posted on November 21, 2019November 21, 2019 by Integravision Spread the love
CITIZEN'S ALERT CORNEL WEST AJ April 4, 2016 0 Spread the loveSpread the love View More: Newsmakers News|60 Minutes News|Live News|More News Videos
CITIZEN'S ALERT ‘He’s got a gun! Gun’: Video shows fatal confrontation between Alton Sterling, Baton Rouge police officer Integravision July 6, 2016 0 Spread the loveSpread the love
CITIZEN'S ALERT MAN SEVERELY BEATEN BY DEPUTIES IN JAIL CLEARED OF WRONGFUL ARREST Gabriel Carrillo, shown after he was arrested and severely beaten at the Los Angeles County Men’s Central Jail, has been cleared of wrongful arrest on Friday, Nov. 6. 2015. adam jay December 24, 2015 0 Spread the loveSpread the love